
Father Lineage / Ancestors/ Masculine Energy Healing

Father Lineage Healing

- The matrix mostly repairs father relationships. It helps to understand the father's behavior, what he does.

- It opens up to men the purpose of coming into the world, the consciousness of being a man. 

- The masculine side. It destroys the programs of cowardice and fear and forms the basis of the matrixes of courage and masculinity in young men and boys.

- It balances the masculine energy in all children.

-It helps to connect with the Creator, to feel that there is creative power in oneself.

- It strengthens creativity.

- It works with all the men of the family tree, decoding the paternal lineage programs.

-The energies of the matrix work with all energy centers, especially 1,3,5,6 and 7.

- The matrix works with the right side of the brain and affects the left side of the body, healing heart diseases.

- Working with genealogy, lineage. The energy works with the circulatory system, allergies, and infections. It works with the thymus gland, strengthening the immune system. It activates synthesis energy.



Ikaro & Plant Medicine Energy Healing : This is a very deep healing. This Healing involves two chapters. We align many energy cords with departed ones. Unfortunately many of us give & take inconvenient energies with departed souls. We fix this issue. This deep soul healing may work for your ancestral energy transfers, or past lives as much as for this life time. This healing helps to repair the energies of the family. In every three ceremony you close a cycle. At the second part of the healing we work with Plant Medicine in another level. It supports us in many levels. It restores our family energies. Sometimes it helps singles around you. Plant Medicine also confront us with our fears so we can finally realize that they are only illusions. These energies heal our “inner child”. This energy healing matrix find the cracked energies in our life, it cleanses the “virus programs”in our lives. Our chakras are also get a healing during the healing as other healings. Generally these healing help us to have more income after some repetition. It may connect you with plants and animals in a more loving way. Warning : We do not drink or use any substances during, after or before any healings. We only work with clear divine energies.


Life is about evolution of consciousness.

And this life time we are here to evolve and transform ourselves stronger & faster then our ancestors.

How ? Purifying mind and energy.

Born to be a healer , I support individuals on this path .

Shiva Healing purifies the mind & increases creativity & cleans karmic heavy bonds.

Shiva represents the higher cosmic consciousness and Shakti represents evolution of energy. Kundalini yoga is based on this concept

Divine Cosmic Energy will organize your life events to speed up your evolution while it purifies and heals & informs you .

The difference between the higher and the lower consciousness is that the former sees things directly as they are, whereas the latter depends upon the senses, testimony and inference. Knowledge based on information, whether it is from a person or from a book, is not enough. This is indirect knowledge, a lower kind of knowledge. The second type is direct knowledge. It is not classical but actual. He who has seen the self cannot speak about it although he has direct knowledge of atman, because it is not a subject of speech and mind. The spiritual nature of consciousness can be known through self-experience. Lower consciousness has two phases, the indriyas or senses, and buddhi.
– Swami Satyananda Saraswati
— Commentary on Yoga Sutra 1:49 Four Chapters of Freedom