
Father Lineage / Ancestors/ Masculine Energy Healing

Father Lineage Healing

- The matrix mostly repairs father relationships. It helps to understand the father's behavior, what he does.

- It opens up to men the purpose of coming into the world, the consciousness of being a man. 

- The masculine side. It destroys the programs of cowardice and fear and forms the basis of the matrixes of courage and masculinity in young men and boys.

- It balances the masculine energy in all children.

-It helps to connect with the Creator, to feel that there is creative power in oneself.

- It strengthens creativity.

- It works with all the men of the family tree, decoding the paternal lineage programs.

-The energies of the matrix work with all energy centers, especially 1,3,5,6 and 7.

- The matrix works with the right side of the brain and affects the left side of the body, healing heart diseases.

- Working with genealogy, lineage. The energy works with the circulatory system, allergies, and infections. It works with the thymus gland, strengthening the immune system. It activates synthesis energy.


Ancestral / Family Lineage Energy Healing

Ancestral / Family Lineage Energy Healing

Family Lineage Healing

As we know in epigenetic, we carry our ancestors traumas and feelings in ourselves without even acknowledging it. Sometimes we are aware of certain family patterns and the awareness is not really enough to transform it.

In Synergy & Cosmic Energy Healings we work on family patterns, family lineage programs in energetic world.

High level of matrix energies are supporting us to transform all the family energies.

In every energy matrix we focus on different part of the family. Some energies heal all the women in our family lineage, some energies are healing all the men in our family, some energies are able to heal programs which we carry from our mother side or father side.

I offer the energy healing for all these energy matrixes by joining to my healing circles or by getting private sessions for your specific needs.

For example, when you get Source matrix of Synergy then its good to repeat it two more times to close a cycle of energy work. Every three times of Synergy completes one cycle.

In my experience I have seen that safe and powerful energies are giving their benefits in repettion and time.

Some healing energies are offering miracles in a short period of time. And of course they are illusionary.

Metamorphosis always takes effort, courage, direction, strategy. If you haven’t watched any video of caterpillar to be a butterfly, please do so.

You can always contact to me for my healings.


Alexandra Maria