
Mental Medicine & Receiving Gifts healing

Mental Medicine & Gifts Healing This healing cleans up your mental storage and gives you a boost in your career. It helps you to forgive debts & receive new gifts and money from other sources but not from the people who own you. It cleanses anxious thoughts, immoral / shameful thoughts, emotional burden.

It unlocks the distorted family programs in heart chakra.

It helps artist, creative people, designers, teachers, writers. It gives energy and inspiration.

Gifts Matrix works both in soul and consciousness levels.

It helps to finish what you can not finish. It may be a painting, project, song, article etc.

Quick boost in career. Please think wisely if you really want to climb the career stairs in your career before you join this healing.


Life is about evolution of consciousness.

And this life time we are here to evolve and transform ourselves stronger & faster then our ancestors.

How ? Purifying mind and energy.

Born to be a healer , I support individuals on this path .

Shiva Healing purifies the mind & increases creativity & cleans karmic heavy bonds.

Shiva represents the higher cosmic consciousness and Shakti represents evolution of energy. Kundalini yoga is based on this concept

Divine Cosmic Energy will organize your life events to speed up your evolution while it purifies and heals & informs you .

The difference between the higher and the lower consciousness is that the former sees things directly as they are, whereas the latter depends upon the senses, testimony and inference. Knowledge based on information, whether it is from a person or from a book, is not enough. This is indirect knowledge, a lower kind of knowledge. The second type is direct knowledge. It is not classical but actual. He who has seen the self cannot speak about it although he has direct knowledge of atman, because it is not a subject of speech and mind. The spiritual nature of consciousness can be known through self-experience. Lower consciousness has two phases, the indriyas or senses, and buddhi.
– Swami Satyananda Saraswati
— Commentary on Yoga Sutra 1:49 Four Chapters of Freedom