Father Lineage / Ancestors/ Masculine Energy Healing

Father Lineage Healing

- The matrix mostly repairs father relationships. It helps to understand the father's behavior, what he does.

- It opens up to men the purpose of coming into the world, the consciousness of being a man. 

- The masculine side. It destroys the programs of cowardice and fear and forms the basis of the matrixes of courage and masculinity in young men and boys.

- It balances the masculine energy in all children.

-It helps to connect with the Creator, to feel that there is creative power in oneself.

- It strengthens creativity.

- It works with all the men of the family tree, decoding the paternal lineage programs.

-The energies of the matrix work with all energy centers, especially 1,3,5,6 and 7.

- The matrix works with the right side of the brain and affects the left side of the body, healing heart diseases.

- Working with genealogy, lineage. The energy works with the circulatory system, allergies, and infections. It works with the thymus gland, strengthening the immune system. It activates synthesis energy.


Family Tree Healing

Family Tree Healing

This is a magical healing to heal, purify, restore the energies of your family tree.

We are able to heal the roots of the tree which represents your ancestors. And we may get advices from our ancestors during the healing.

We heal the present condition.

We heal the energies of the future generations.

How to do it?

Firstly we need to set an appointment for it.

This energy healing can be done in two ways.

A) We heal the general energy of the tree with a meditative state of the mind.

B) We may choose a topic to heal in our family tree. Such as immigrations, injustices, relationships, loneliness etc. In that case, the healer has to know your intention to flow the energy according to your intention.

What I recommend for Family Tree Healing?

I would recommed to get three individual healings / joining my Synergy Healing Groups ( I organize several group healings every week)) to open up your chakras and perception on a higher level. In that way you would be able to feel and enjoy the healing more deeply.

Ancestral / Family Lineage Energy Healing

Ancestral / Family Lineage Energy Healing

Family Lineage Healing

As we know in epigenetic, we carry our ancestors traumas and feelings in ourselves without even acknowledging it. Sometimes we are aware of certain family patterns and the awareness is not really enough to transform it.

In Synergy & Cosmic Energy Healings we work on family patterns, family lineage programs in energetic world.

High level of matrix energies are supporting us to transform all the family energies.

In every energy matrix we focus on different part of the family. Some energies heal all the women in our family lineage, some energies are healing all the men in our family, some energies are able to heal programs which we carry from our mother side or father side.

I offer the energy healing for all these energy matrixes by joining to my healing circles or by getting private sessions for your specific needs.

For example, when you get Source matrix of Synergy then its good to repeat it two more times to close a cycle of energy work. Every three times of Synergy completes one cycle.

In my experience I have seen that safe and powerful energies are giving their benefits in repettion and time.

Some healing energies are offering miracles in a short period of time. And of course they are illusionary.

Metamorphosis always takes effort, courage, direction, strategy. If you haven’t watched any video of caterpillar to be a butterfly, please do so.

You can always contact to me for my healings.


Alexandra Maria

Thought Power and Synergy

Thought Power and Synergy

We often hear about the power of thoughts in all languages in all countries of the world. But something stops us to use this power effectively and positively. The reasons may vary: failures of the past, traumas, our family history, our past lives, our background, our difficulties in life, all those heartbreaking memories and more…

I see it as a form of violence to judge people by their difficulty to change their mindset, their feelings, their emotional state, their thoughts. And most of the times it creates another trauma to hear all these new age advices. Because it makes people to feel even weaker and “not enough”…

And how was thought power in history? What was the perspective of ancient spiritual schools on self-change? Can we really change our mind, our thoughts in a second for forever in a glimpse of time?

I have experienced it in another way.
I have searched different approaches of all times. There is always a training, as you just can’t step onto stage ( with divine help / inner power etc) to dance perfectly ballet in Swan Lake, so you can not just change your mental habits with one single advice you read on instagram.

And we miss the beauty of the training. It is not easy to perform metamorphism…

Knowledge is needed, practice is needed, support is needed, mistakes are needed, focus is needed.

Modern psychology helps individuals up to a level. I appreciate it deeply, but unfortunately it is not enough.

After trying so many modalities, therapies, isolation retreats in ashrams & monasteries, ayahuasca, reiki, emdr and more finally I found the key to change the matrix of the mind.

On the other hand we all have a unique way to transform ourselves in our life path.

We all need to be aware of the fact that every single one of us has a different past, dharma, energy despite of the similarities.

Synergy Healing has been helping to those who are ready to do work on self awareness, who have good intentions in their hearts.

It is an energy methodology which was developed to bring together prayer and energy healing together. No it is not asking you to be a religious person, or believe in any religion.

We can also express the intention of synergy as bringing together heart and mind. We align the heart and mind by healing our family programs, ancestor energies, chakras, our hidden fear programs.

Time is a mystery and many ancient schools say the thought never perishes.

Matrixes are healing us in a way that we finally come to a point to have clear mind to “choose” our thoughts.

There may be some healing crises on the way, so that we can get the karmic lessons in a such a short period of time.

Besides any energy healings it is always good to work on our concentration ability. Concentration and self awareness will increase the power of your thoughts.

But firstly clean up yourself from all the energetic cords, unneeded energies for your evolution, family blockages and anything stops you energetically. Cleaning the mess will open a new door for you to be the master of your own mind.

Please read my Synergy Healing on the webpage and feel free to contact with me.

Wish you a clear mind :)

Synergy Energy Theraphy

I have been looking for a deep healing like this for last 25 years. I have tried different kinds of healings from different cultures.

I was blessed to meet with my teacher Dymitry Voevodin after so many adventures. His teachings opened a new phrase in my life. My clients also got very quick results after the healings.

In Synergy Methodology we work with different topics and various energy matrixes.

What do we mean when we say MATRIX , matrix is a filed of energy, for instance if you repeat the mantra “Om Mani Padme Hum” for some time then you will access the special matrix of this mantra. If you repeat “Kyrie Eleison”, the you will access to the matrix of this energy.

In Synergy we are able to access different matrixes to heal, protect, empower you and your family line.

Along with Synergy we also mix the energy of Cosmic Energy ( which was established by Dmitry Voevodin’s teacher) and Synthesis energies.

Synthesis energy belongs to Synergy School and it gives us a boost during the distance healings.

Beautiful Healings / Healing Groups

Spring & Yin & Vitality Energy Healing : This is beautiful energy. It increases your vitality, love, love of life. Spring gives you a boost to have more joy. You feel aliveness after the healing, you may want to dance after the healing. Mother Earth / Yin energy cleans and restores you.

  • Trust & Peace Healing : We all need trust and peace in this interesting period of humanity. It gives calmness, serenity, positivity. It may take out our negative thoughts and supports our physical body.

  • Gifts of Earth : It cleans up the barriers between us and our path. It helps us to clean up the negative energies, parasite energies. This matrix empowers our manifestation abilities. I also love to do it in nature as a group so we can also add a grounding energy to this great work.

  • Desert of Michael : Protect and maintain inner peace. Tranquility, serenity, calmness and silence of the prayer.

    According to original yoga, you can function at your best when your mind is calm. It restores our faith.

    This healing cleans and protects us from entities, parasite energies.

Mental Medicine & Receiving Gifts healing

Mental Medicine & Gifts Healing This healing cleans up your mental storage and gives you a boost in your career. It helps you to forgive debts & receive new gifts and money from other sources but not from the people who own you. It cleanses anxious thoughts, immoral / shameful thoughts, emotional burden.

It unlocks the distorted family programs in heart chakra.

It helps artist, creative people, designers, teachers, writers. It gives energy and inspiration.

Gifts Matrix works both in soul and consciousness levels.

It helps to finish what you can not finish. It may be a painting, project, song, article etc.

Quick boost in career. Please think wisely if you really want to climb the career stairs in your career before you join this healing.


Mother Mary & Divine Support Sonata Energy Healing: This energy healing has two parts. Firstly we connect with Mother Mary energy matrix. We can make an intention, we can ask for support about a certain subject in our lives. It dissolve our inner contradictions and we can reach inner unity, clarity. Mother Mary energy heals all the women in our family line, it especially works to heal our progrfertilityams from our mother side. It may help women to have fertility / becoming better women and mothers. Mother Mary Matrix supports men as well. It supports men to have correct attitude towards women and children. This energy helps everyone to improve their relationships with others ( family, friends, humanity) and themselves. Sometimes it also repairs our image of our own mother and relationship with our own mother. It helps to find our way. I also privately work with artists with these energies so that they can create art with beneficial energies for others. MM Energy activates especially heart chakra and Ajna ( Thirs Eye). Divine Support Energy find every fear programs which are stored in our chakras. Beautiful divine energies are coming from higher dimensions to heal our chakras ( yes, it is that extraordinary marvelous). This is Cosmic Organizer, it arranges your energy. During the healing, saints/ gurus may visit to give you a support, knowledge, assistance.

Divine Support Sonata protects you in your career & business. It helps you to get better at your chosen profession or it may help you to find your true place, correct profession. It serves us to understand the creation. It restores our confidence, self trust. It is 26 minutes.


Ikaro & Plant Medicine Energy Healing : This is a very deep healing. This Healing involves two chapters. We align many energy cords with departed ones. Unfortunately many of us give & take inconvenient energies with departed souls. We fix this issue. This deep soul healing may work for your ancestral energy transfers, or past lives as much as for this life time. This healing helps to repair the energies of the family. In every three ceremony you close a cycle. At the second part of the healing we work with Plant Medicine in another level. It supports us in many levels. It restores our family energies. Sometimes it helps singles around you. Plant Medicine also confront us with our fears so we can finally realize that they are only illusions. These energies heal our “inner child”. This energy healing matrix find the cracked energies in our life, it cleanses the “virus programs”in our lives. Our chakras are also get a healing during the healing as other healings. Generally these healing help us to have more income after some repetition. It may connect you with plants and animals in a more loving way. Warning : We do not drink or use any substances during, after or before any healings. We only work with clear divine energies.

Sirius Energy Healing

Sirius Energy Healing

This is a unique energy channel to get benefits of star Sirius.

-It is recommended to open Sirius Channel on both parents before the pregnancy, especially if the previous child has deviations of norm.

This energy

  • Decreases difficult situations and destructive emotions.

  • Removes energy blockages, astral suction cups, energy effects, addictions.

  • Cleans the living space, room.

  • Inspires for automatic writing.

  • Helps to identify the offender, enemies.

  • Soothes, stops scandals, fights.

Physical Plane Benefits

  • Restores brain function and cerebral cortex, improves conductivity.

  • Relieves psychosomatic disorders, vegetative-vascular disorders, some traits of depression, aggression.

  • Facilitates recovery after a heart attack

  • Respiratory diseases.

  • Botkin’s disease

  • Adrenal gland

  • And Many more conditions

    • Each person has unique qualities and needs so please contact me to learn more.

    • ENERGY HEALING can not be seen as medical treatment. It works on subtle bodies.

    • Please follow your medical advises and medical treatments.This energy method is not replaceable with Western Medicine.. We Energy healers are not medical doctors, so please make sure you are under medical care.

    • #sirius #energy #energyhealing #energyhealer #healer #emotions #distancehealing #onlinehealing #siriusenergy