Father Lineage / Ancestors/ Masculine Energy Healing

Father Lineage Healing

- The matrix mostly repairs father relationships. It helps to understand the father's behavior, what he does.

- It opens up to men the purpose of coming into the world, the consciousness of being a man. 

- The masculine side. It destroys the programs of cowardice and fear and forms the basis of the matrixes of courage and masculinity in young men and boys.

- It balances the masculine energy in all children.

-It helps to connect with the Creator, to feel that there is creative power in oneself.

- It strengthens creativity.

- It works with all the men of the family tree, decoding the paternal lineage programs.

-The energies of the matrix work with all energy centers, especially 1,3,5,6 and 7.

- The matrix works with the right side of the brain and affects the left side of the body, healing heart diseases.

- Working with genealogy, lineage. The energy works with the circulatory system, allergies, and infections. It works with the thymus gland, strengthening the immune system. It activates synthesis energy.