Thoughts & Musings
“The difference between the higher and the lower consciousness is that the former sees things directly as they are, whereas the latter depends upon the senses, testimony and inference. Knowledge based on information, whether it is from a person or from a book, is not enough. This is indirect knowledge, a lower kind of knowledge. The second type is direct knowledge. It is not classical but actual. He who has seen the self cannot speak about it although he has direct knowledge of atman, because it is not a subject of speech and mind. The spiritual nature of consciousness can be known through self-experience. Lower consciousness has two phases, the indriyas or senses, and buddhi.
– Swami Satyananda Saraswati”
Swadhisthana Chakra
The Sanskrit word swa means ‘one’s own’ and adhisthana means dwelling place or residence.
Thus swadhisthana means ‘one’s own abode’. It is the vortex or control centre of the water element.
It is regarded as the basis of individual human existence.
Swadhisthana is associated with the unconscious mind and with its storehouse of mental impressions and samskaras.
It is the abode from which most people express themselves to the world.
The jnanendriya of this chakra is the tongue for the perception of taste and the karmendriya are the reproductive organs.
In the human body swadhisthana is located at the base of the spine in the coccyx. Sexuality is one of the main expressions of swadhisthana, as it controls the endocrine glands of reproduction, the basic drive of life.
Swadhisthana chakra is the centre of pleasurable sensations. One is motivated to obtain pleasure through the sense organs in the form of food, sex, pleasant environment, friendships, and the material wealth required to attain these desires.
At mooladhara chakra these desires are sought in order to satisfy the need for security and safety. However, in swadhisthana pleasures are sought after to simply satisfy desires, here the whole aim of life is to attain the pleasures peculiar to the individual. Nature, all things and other people are viewed according to the amount of sensual satisfaction that they can offer, regardless of the impact or cost. It is said that most people in the world today predominantly function at this level of swadhisthana
Fears and insecurities are also expressed through swadhisthana. We perceive the world and our place in it according to our samskaras.
A balanced swadhisthana is expressed through a sense of contentment, well being, and enjoyment of life. Along with self-confidence, endurance, strength and patience, there will be a feeling of wellness, abundance, pleasure and beauty in the simple things in life.
An imbalanced swadhisthana causes emotional problems such as irritability, guilt, shyness, sexual disorders, eating disorders, laziness and oversleeping, depression and addictions.
Tibetian Cosmic Healing and Tibetian Abundance Ceremony are healing, restoring, balancing the chakras. Tibetian Abundance Healing increases the quality of the chakras. For more info link in bio & DM.
Maria Alexandra
Source : Bihar Yoga
#swadisthana #secondchakra #chakra #energyhealing #collectiveconsciousness #consciousness #energyhealing #energyhealer #chakrahealing #yoga #energy #tibetianenergy #energie #yogaleraar #genezing #genezer #energetischegenezing #waterelement #vortex
Sirius Energy Healing
This is a unique energy channel to get benefits of star Sirius.
-It is recommended to open Sirius Channel on both parents before the pregnancy, especially if the previous child has deviations of norm.
This energy
Decreases difficult situations and destructive emotions.
Removes energy blockages, astral suction cups, energy effects, addictions.
Cleans the living space, room.
Inspires for automatic writing.
Helps to identify the offender, enemies.
Soothes, stops scandals, fights.
Physical Plane Benefits
Restores brain function and cerebral cortex, improves conductivity.
Relieves psychosomatic disorders, vegetative-vascular disorders, some traits of depression, aggression.
Facilitates recovery after a heart attack
Respiratory diseases.
Botkin’s disease
Adrenal gland
And Many more conditions
Each person has unique qualities and needs so please contact me to learn more.
ENERGY HEALING can not be seen as medical treatment. It works on subtle bodies.
Please follow your medical advises and medical treatments.This energy method is not replaceable with Western Medicine.. We Energy healers are not medical doctors, so please make sure you are under medical care.
SIrius Energy Healing
Father Lineage Healing
- The matrix mostly repairs father relationships. It helps to understand the father's behavior, what he does.
- It opens up to men the purpose of coming into the world, the consciousness of being a man.
- The masculine side. It destroys the programs of cowardice and fear and forms the basis of the matrixes of courage and masculinity in young men and boys.
- It balances the masculine energy in all children.
-It helps to connect with the Creator, to feel that there is creative power in oneself.
- It strengthens creativity.
- It works with all the men of the family tree, decoding the paternal lineage programs.
-The energies of the matrix work with all energy centers, especially 1,3,5,6 and 7.
- The matrix works with the right side of the brain and affects the left side of the body, healing heart diseases.
- Working with genealogy, lineage. The energy works with the circulatory system, allergies, and infections. It works with the thymus gland, strengthening the immune system. It activates synthesis energy.