
Synergy Energy Theraphy

I have been looking for a deep healing like this for last 25 years. I have tried different kinds of healings from different cultures.

I was blessed to meet with my teacher Dymitry Voevodin after so many adventures. His teachings opened a new phrase in my life. My clients also got very quick results after the healings.

In Synergy Methodology we work with different topics and various energy matrixes.

What do we mean when we say MATRIX , matrix is a filed of energy, for instance if you repeat the mantra “Om Mani Padme Hum” for some time then you will access the special matrix of this mantra. If you repeat “Kyrie Eleison”, the you will access to the matrix of this energy.

In Synergy we are able to access different matrixes to heal, protect, empower you and your family line.

Along with Synergy we also mix the energy of Cosmic Energy ( which was established by Dmitry Voevodin’s teacher) and Synthesis energies.

Synthesis energy belongs to Synergy School and it gives us a boost during the distance healings.

Spiritual Path and Healing Sessions

Spiritual practices develop more and more subtle awareness.

Observing One’s thoughts, emotions, emotional reactions is the base of spiritual path.

In world, there are many traditions to control and change the mind.

Swami Satyananda says controling the mind is yoga.

Ancient Meditations, guru invented meditations, time tested meditations and tecniques are giving the best results.

In our modern world, many people try diffrent or new style of meditations all the time. Contunitiy is very essential in any spiritual practice.

Whatever your practice is on the spiritual path, we- humankind- are on a collectively important time to save the planet, save the life.

Our collective consciousness has to raise to an upper level more quickly than our ancestors.

Energy Healing Therapies, Healings helps to get faster on that.

I love Cosmic Energy, because it really helps individuals to have a higher consicousness by realizing patterns , mind, emotions, reactions of the self . When you see yoursef clearer it is much easier to change your life.

Because you set yourself FREE.

I do healings in Amsterdam, Milano, Greece in person . But energy is everywhere, so Energy Healing can be done from distance easily.

I have been intesively working on spirituality, Theology, Yogic Philosophy , Healing Techniques from Tibet and other cultures for a long time.

The real outcome comes with your own FREE WILL to decide for yourself.

I suggest combining a spiritual practice and Healing Sessions to use this limited time on earth more effectively.
When you take only Healing Sessions, it heals and improves you, but your own effort to raise your consiciousness must continue. WE may or we may not to awaken our kundalini fully in this life time, we may or we may no to reach Nirvana in this life, but we are here to walk to final destination. Keep walking. While we are here, may we all use our time fruitfully.

One of the best , maybe the best spiritual practice is SELFLESS Servıce.

Serve with love without any expectations.

“Sir, shall I ever leave the spiritual path?” inquired a doubt-filled disciple. Paramahansa Yogananda answered: “How could you? Everyone in the world is on the spiritual path. —
Sri Yantra

Sri Yantra


Life is about evolution of consciousness.

And this life time we are here to evolve and transform ourselves stronger & faster then our ancestors.

How ? Purifying mind and energy.

Born to be a healer , I support individuals on this path .

Shiva Healing purifies the mind & increases creativity & cleans karmic heavy bonds.

Shiva represents the higher cosmic consciousness and Shakti represents evolution of energy. Kundalini yoga is based on this concept

Divine Cosmic Energy will organize your life events to speed up your evolution while it purifies and heals & informs you .

The difference between the higher and the lower consciousness is that the former sees things directly as they are, whereas the latter depends upon the senses, testimony and inference. Knowledge based on information, whether it is from a person or from a book, is not enough. This is indirect knowledge, a lower kind of knowledge. The second type is direct knowledge. It is not classical but actual. He who has seen the self cannot speak about it although he has direct knowledge of atman, because it is not a subject of speech and mind. The spiritual nature of consciousness can be known through self-experience. Lower consciousness has two phases, the indriyas or senses, and buddhi.
– Swami Satyananda Saraswati
— Commentary on Yoga Sutra 1:49 Four Chapters of Freedom