Consciousness Ceremony

What is Consciousness Ceremony?

This is a form of Abundance Ceremony.

We focus on mind and consciousness in this ceremony. This ceremony is raising your consciousness, awareness, well-being, creativity, talents, intuition.

How can I attend ?

This is an online long distance energy ceremony. You can join the groups or you can create your own group with your friends & family. Contact with me more details.

Can I do it one to one ?

Yes. I highly encourage to attain different groups ceremonies as an experience.

Is it expensive?

It is reasonable and I also do reduced prizes in certain situations.

Can I attain this ceremony more than once ?

Yes. This is a therapeutical ceremony. Every individual has different karmic records, akash, DNA and a story. Even if you experience miracles after only one session, still it is better to attain different ceremonies to keep raising your consciousness and guidance. There are ceremonies also for Relationships, Relationships & Family Karmic Healing, Jupiter Abundance.

What qualities can I expect to work on in this ceremony ?

🌿 Attracting positive people & events

🌿Confidence, courage, determination

🌿Clarity of thinking and awareness


🌿 Creativity


🌿 New Perspectives, opportunities

🌿 Self observation

🌿 Higher perspective

🌿New visions to solve the problems

🌿Setting goals

🌿 Freedom from all kind of illusions

🌿 Energy Information Field

🌿 Transformation of fears, insecurities, destructive programs, resentments, destructive programs


🌿 Quality to the whole mentality

🌿 Cleansing the aura, field, chakras, subtle bodies

🌿 Activating talents & one’s true potential

🌿 Balancing the mental state

🌿 New Knowledge

🌿 Higher vibrations

🌿 Great Wisdom

🌿 Freedom

🌿 Releasing the old energies, karmic debts

🌿 Harmony

🌿 Psychological well-being

🌿 Strengthening intentions

🌈Contact me for details.

Image : Pinterest

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Love Energy Healing

What is Love Energy Healing ?

🌀As an Cosmic Energy Master/ Magister, I work with Anael Frequency/ Channel.

🌀Anael means “Love is God”.

What are the effects of this unique healing channel?

🌀the energy of love, virtuousness and creation.

🌀solves the Karmic issues associated with the hearth chakra.

🌀prevents and ends disputes.

🌀clears the chakras and aura.

🌀conductive to a positive atmosphere.

🌀brings us and others protection from heaven.

🌀reduces the level of anxiety, fear, aggression.

🌀relieves stress, harmonizes the internal state,creates a positive atmosphere in home.

🌀strengthens the qualities of mercy and compassion in a person.


🌀clears false knowledge, distrust, jealousy, anger, contempt, greed etc.

🌀correct knowledge.

🌀helps personal transformation.

🌀in more complex healings it helps to let go of the negativity.

🌀this is not a love spell, it doesn’t force anyone to love anyone.


The sessions are carried out with closed eyes and without extraneous noise, preferably a smooth meditation music in a dark closed room with a burning candle. Try to have a mild trance state to be healed in subconscious level.

The Note of the Healer: I love to share this Love Energy. Love sets people free.

Maria Alexandra

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#yogagreece #selflove #lovehealing #energyoflove #cosmicenergy #energyhealing #energyhealer #energyworker #energyshift #loveheals #lovemyself #transformationjourney #healer #liefde #zeliefde #burnout #spiritualhealing #spiritualguidance #chakra #heartchakra #heartchakrahealing #karmicrelationships #chakras #αγάπη #selfcompassion #lovingkindness #lovingkindnessmeditation #heartbroken #aura #energy #amore #anahata #angermanagement #chakrahealing #chakras


Abundance Healing Channels

Abundance Healing cleanses different types of karma while supporting individuals in their daily life. This energy methodology works with different channels or frequencies. We use a different combination of the channels in every session.

 The channels we work with are listed below. Read on to understand the benefits of each channel.

Channel - GOOD LUCK.

The channel of luck is restored and maintained.

Activates the field and consistency of luck. 

Forms good luck and necessary connections.

Enhances ability in business, study.

Gives magnetism to positive people

It makes a person attractive.

Allows you to build the necessary connections.

Expands consciousness and subconsciousness. 

Channel - SUCCESS.

Opens up success in business development.

Gives the implementation of plans.

Leads to a new level of consciousness.

Materializes what was conceived.

Removes everything that leads to collapse, failure, removes rose-colored glasses. 

Assigns a category to the lucky one .

Relieves addictions, frees from all illusions.

Attracts good luck.


Channel - MIND.

Cleans the subconscious of negative programs.

Gives quality to inharmonious relationships.

Normalizes the psyche (calms).

Powerfully cleanses - chakras, meridians, subtle bodies.

Stimulates the work of the subconscious.

Activates the work of the brain.

Transforms fears and insecurities.

Harmonizes any relationship.

Opens up new opportunities.

Channel - IDEA.

Quickly relieves mental fatigue.

Enhances fluidity of thoughts.

Stimulates the work of consciousness with the brain.

Harmonizes living space (removes distortion).

Restores the path of life.

Erases negative information from past years.

It allows you to be only in the present tense.

Gives implementation to your own projects and plans.

Removes blocks.


Channel - SELF.

Removes the causes of adversity and failure.

Works with personal karma.

Cleans connections in society.

Changes the social circle.

Improves any relationship.

Increases communication skills and practicality.

Cleans communication with the outside world.

Helps to quickly cope with any karmic situation.

Gives success, prosperity, new knowledge.


Channel - WEALTH.

Cleans the field, chakras, subtle bodies.

Restores the power system.

It qualitatively changes the work of the chakras.

Increases the speed of rotation of the chakras. 

Improves the work of the hemispheres.

Restores the cerebral cortex.

Improves memory.

Stabilizes the psycho-emotional level.

Gives the energy of help from Above.


Channel - HARMONY

Cleans family karma, family ties.

Unleashes quickly karmic knots.

Removes inharmonious connections.

It harmonizes the spheres for which the 4 chakras are responsible.

Fills with vibrations of love.

Builds relationships (family, relatives, environment)

Cleans generic programs

Cleans the upper chakras 5, 6, 7.

Gives a quick set of energy.



Removes induced and karmic negativity.

Cleans and recycles magic, damage, viruses.

Removes distortions in the mental body and blocks.

Regulates emotions.

Removes resentments, fears, obsessions.   

Removes unharmonious connections,

Removes destructive programs.

Activates the work of the pituitary gland, pineal gland and pineal gland.

Quickly neutralizes the influence of entities.


The channel is the WAY.

Provides opportunities to reach new levels.

Gives life satisfaction.

Increases income.

Gives strong energy for willpower and fortitude.

Helps to find a business partner.

Improves the quality of your personal life.

Improves the quality of family life.

Turns situations towards a quick fix.

Provides an opportunity to change your life.




Gives balance to the nervous system.

Neutralizes stress.

Restores a physical resource.  

Balances the mental state.

Gives faith in yourself and your capabilities.

Restores the energy of cash flows.

Brings into life new circumstances associated with wealth.

Gives realization in achieving the plan.

Attracts new people to life.



Clears the path, activates the field of luck and success.

Adds events well.

Transforms and energizes.

Protects from energy information negative.

Connects to clear informational content.

Cleans the information field and chakras.

Activates intuition.

Allows you to see events at long distances.

Reflects negative energy like a mirror.


Channel - GENIUS.

Reveals creativity.

Unlocks paranormal abilities.

Structures the space for business development.

Builds connections.

Attracts customers.

Helps in any area, creativity, family, business, all kinds of relationships.

Pulls out of difficult circumstances.

Neutralizes negative events.


Channel - KINDNESS.

Provides stable prosperity.

Cleans the spine and raises the kundalini.

Focuses and stimulates the 6th chakra.

Cleans the karmic vessel.

Removes all curses, as well as the ancestral curse.

Unleashes karmic knots.

Removes debts from past lives.

Soothes and charges with optimism.



Works well for relationships.

Harmonizes family, collective relationships, relationships with children.

Removes unnecessary connections.

Cleans ancestral, family, personal karma in terms of relationships.

It stabilizes the state of mind and the nervous system.

Gives good luck and luck in love. 

Solves the problems of love triangles harmoniously.

Unleashes karmic knots.

Protects from the influence of entities and magical effects.


Channel - KNOWLEDGE.

Gives understanding of the spiritual world.

Leads up the steps of the evolutionary ladder. 

Used to gain knowledge. 

Improves memory, thought process.

Saturates, cleans, increases vibrations.

Helps to gain secret knowledge.

Increases energy potential.

Helps to read information from a person.


Channel - HAPPINESS.

Harmonizes the egregor of a family, firm, team, community.

Improves health and psychological well-being.

Gives the skill to create an atmosphere of happiness and joy around yourself.

Gives the skills to create and attract wealth and success.

Dissolves inharmonious situations in space and time

Gives the ability to Harmonize the material world with the spiritual world.

Creates a state of inner harmony and happiness.

Gives beauty and magical charm.


Channel - FREEDOM.

Provides a powerful combination of confidence, determination and inspiration.

Gives the ability to convince and lead.

Gives great knowledge, great wisdom.

Reveals the inherent opportunities.

Reveals natural potential.

Cleans at the level of the soul. 

Gives information in question-answer mode.

Works for creativity.

Expands consciousness.


Consciousness Healing

Life is about the evolution of consciousness. And in this lifetime we are here to evolve and transform ourselves stronger & faster than our ancestors. How ? By purifying mind and energy.

Born to be a healer, I support individuals on this path.

Shiva Healing

Shiva healing purifies the mind & increases creativity & cleans karmic heavy bonds. Shiva represents the higher cosmic consciousness and Shakti represents evolution of energy. Kundalini yoga is based on this concept

Divine Cosmic Energy Healing

Divine Cosmic Energy will organize your life events to speed up your evolution while it purifies and heals & informs you.

Find out more about my work, or schedule a free consultation session to see how we can work together.

Spiritual Path and Healing Sessions

Spiritual practices develop more and more subtle awareness.

Observing One’s thoughts, emotions, emotional reactions is the base of spiritual path.

In world, there are many traditions to control and change the mind.

Swami Satyananda says controling the mind is yoga.

Ancient Meditations, guru invented meditations, time tested meditations and tecniques are giving the best results.

In our modern world, many people try diffrent or new style of meditations all the time. Contunitiy is very essential in any spiritual practice.

Whatever your practice is on the spiritual path, we- humankind- are on a collectively important time to save the planet, save the life.

Our collective consciousness has to raise to an upper level more quickly than our ancestors.

Energy Healing Therapies, Healings helps to get faster on that.

I love Cosmic Energy, because it really helps individuals to have a higher consicousness by realizing patterns , mind, emotions, reactions of the self . When you see yoursef clearer it is much easier to change your life.

Because you set yourself FREE.

I do healings in Amsterdam, Milano, Greece in person . But energy is everywhere, so Energy Healing can be done from distance easily.

I have been intesively working on spirituality, Theology, Yogic Philosophy , Healing Techniques from Tibet and other cultures for a long time.

The real outcome comes with your own FREE WILL to decide for yourself.

I suggest combining a spiritual practice and Healing Sessions to use this limited time on earth more effectively.
When you take only Healing Sessions, it heals and improves you, but your own effort to raise your consiciousness must continue. WE may or we may not to awaken our kundalini fully in this life time, we may or we may no to reach Nirvana in this life, but we are here to walk to final destination. Keep walking. While we are here, may we all use our time fruitfully.

One of the best , maybe the best spiritual practice is SELFLESS Servıce.

Serve with love without any expectations.

“Sir, shall I ever leave the spiritual path?” inquired a doubt-filled disciple. Paramahansa Yogananda answered: “How could you? Everyone in the world is on the spiritual path. —
Sri Yantra

Sri Yantra

Love Healing

Love heals us.

Love transforms us.

Love gives strength.

Love gives freedom.

Love brings tranquility, peace, harmony and joy...

At the energetic level, everything we think and feel is recorded in our chakras and our energy bodies.

Our energetic bodies hold the energy and emotion of our lives, our losses, our happiness and sadness.

In this session we are going to clean negative emotional energy from the energetic body through a spiritual healing process; in other words we are going to clean any energies from the energetic body that might be attracting emotional imbalance and blockages.

What to expect:

The healing session is made up of 3 parts;

Part 1: 25 minutes

Focuses on the practice of cleaning energy, and then

Part 2: 40 minutes

Focuses on the use of spiritual Love Energy to heal the energy body, focused on Self-Love.

“The Buddha said: “The object of your practice should first of all be
yourself. Your love for the other, your ability to love another person, depends on your ability to LOVE yourself. If you are not able to take care of yourself, if you are not able to accept yourself, how could you accept another person and how could you love him or her?”

― Thích Nhất Hạnh, True Love: A Practice for Awakening the Heart


Life is about evolution of consciousness.

And this life time we are here to evolve and transform ourselves stronger & faster then our ancestors.

How ? Purifying mind and energy.

Born to be a healer , I support individuals on this path .

Shiva Healing purifies the mind & increases creativity & cleans karmic heavy bonds.

Shiva represents the higher cosmic consciousness and Shakti represents evolution of energy. Kundalini yoga is based on this concept

Divine Cosmic Energy will organize your life events to speed up your evolution while it purifies and heals & informs you .

The difference between the higher and the lower consciousness is that the former sees things directly as they are, whereas the latter depends upon the senses, testimony and inference. Knowledge based on information, whether it is from a person or from a book, is not enough. This is indirect knowledge, a lower kind of knowledge. The second type is direct knowledge. It is not classical but actual. He who has seen the self cannot speak about it although he has direct knowledge of atman, because it is not a subject of speech and mind. The spiritual nature of consciousness can be known through self-experience. Lower consciousness has two phases, the indriyas or senses, and buddhi.
– Swami Satyananda Saraswati
— Commentary on Yoga Sutra 1:49 Four Chapters of Freedom