Consciousness Ceremony

What is Consciousness Ceremony?

This is a form of Abundance Ceremony.

We focus on mind and consciousness in this ceremony. This ceremony is raising your consciousness, awareness, well-being, creativity, talents, intuition.

How can I attend ?

This is an online long distance energy ceremony. You can join the groups or you can create your own group with your friends & family. Contact with me more details.

Can I do it one to one ?

Yes. I highly encourage to attain different groups ceremonies as an experience.

Is it expensive?

It is reasonable and I also do reduced prizes in certain situations.

Can I attain this ceremony more than once ?

Yes. This is a therapeutical ceremony. Every individual has different karmic records, akash, DNA and a story. Even if you experience miracles after only one session, still it is better to attain different ceremonies to keep raising your consciousness and guidance. There are ceremonies also for Relationships, Relationships & Family Karmic Healing, Jupiter Abundance.

What qualities can I expect to work on in this ceremony ?

🌿 Attracting positive people & events

🌿Confidence, courage, determination

🌿Clarity of thinking and awareness


🌿 Creativity


🌿 New Perspectives, opportunities

🌿 Self observation

🌿 Higher perspective

🌿New visions to solve the problems

🌿Setting goals

🌿 Freedom from all kind of illusions

🌿 Energy Information Field

🌿 Transformation of fears, insecurities, destructive programs, resentments, destructive programs


🌿 Quality to the whole mentality

🌿 Cleansing the aura, field, chakras, subtle bodies

🌿 Activating talents & one’s true potential

🌿 Balancing the mental state

🌿 New Knowledge

🌿 Higher vibrations

🌿 Great Wisdom

🌿 Freedom

🌿 Releasing the old energies, karmic debts

🌿 Harmony

🌿 Psychological well-being

🌿 Strengthening intentions

🌈Contact me for details.

Image : Pinterest

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