
Beautiful Healings / Healing Groups

Spring & Yin & Vitality Energy Healing : This is beautiful energy. It increases your vitality, love, love of life. Spring gives you a boost to have more joy. You feel aliveness after the healing, you may want to dance after the healing. Mother Earth / Yin energy cleans and restores you.

  • Trust & Peace Healing : We all need trust and peace in this interesting period of humanity. It gives calmness, serenity, positivity. It may take out our negative thoughts and supports our physical body.

  • Gifts of Earth : It cleans up the barriers between us and our path. It helps us to clean up the negative energies, parasite energies. This matrix empowers our manifestation abilities. I also love to do it in nature as a group so we can also add a grounding energy to this great work.

  • Desert of Michael : Protect and maintain inner peace. Tranquility, serenity, calmness and silence of the prayer.

    According to original yoga, you can function at your best when your mind is calm. It restores our faith.

    This healing cleans and protects us from entities, parasite energies.